For over 35 years, SOG Specialty Knives & Tools has been dedicated to building some of the best folding knives, fixed blade knives, multi-tools and outdoor gear for survival situations. Founded in 1986 by Spencer Frazer, SOG was created to honor the brave men who served in the elite military unit known as MACV-SOG during the Vietnam War.

From their humble beginnings in a small apartment in Santa Monica, California, SOG has grown into an international brand with a reputation for producing high-quality products designed for extreme conditions. Today, they offer a wide range of outdoor gear that includes backpacks, hatchets and machetes alongside their famous knives and multi-tools.

SOG’s commitment to excellence is evident in each product they create. They use only the finest materials available like VG-10 steel and carbon fiber handles to ensure that each piece can withstand even the toughest environments.

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